
Pastoral Care and Support

Our pastoral ethos is based on caring for every individual girl and personalised support is the cornerstone of our approach. As a single-sex school we are able to focus on the wellbeing and mental health issues relevant to teenage girls and to support them at this critical stage of their lives. An overarching philosophy of building resilience engenders self-respect and self-confidence within each individual, supported with initiatives such as our Challenge Your Limits Week. Our student School Council takes an active role in supporting student wellbeing and our House system promotes vertical friendships and mentoring while girls are encouraged to flourish both within the school and beyond it through community partnerships and volunteering. It is our aim that girls are happy within themselves and are well prepared for the promise that their futures hold.

Pupils’ self-confidence, resilience and desire to persevere are highly developed so that they are confident and inspired for the challenges of the next stage of their education.
ISI Inspection Report 2022

In the Lower and Middle Schools the forms are looked after by co-tutors; so each tutor looks after 12-13 girls. The girls are supported by the Deputy Heads; Heads of Sections; Heads of Years; Form Tutors; two counsellors; and two nurses. Our Sixth Formers are in smaller tutor groups of 10-12 students.

We have a comprehensive PSHE programme for students and parents including talks from a number of expert speakers addressing a whole range of teenage issues. We are an open, inclusive and tolerant school that celebrates our differences and is liberal in our values. Our student-run  LGBTQ+ and Feminist Societies are forums for discussion about identity and equality.

Our mobile phone policy is that Years 7-11 students should leave their phones in student lockers during the day; Sixth Formers can use their phones at break and lunchtimes in the Sixth Form Common Room. All students have their own school iPad with access to teaching materials and school approved apps.

"School has a reputation for being one of the more nurturing schools in the area, placing equal emphasis on academics and pastoral care."

Read the Full Review
