
Exciting & Rewarding

Your path; your future

Whether moving up or joining from another school, the Sixth Form at Godolphin will be the most exciting and rewarding two years of your school life. You will choose the subjects you want to study in-depth at A Level or IB, and will be encouraged to explore new ideas and research areas of personal interest. There’s more freedom to manage your own time, more choice and more opportunity to make an impact and make things happen. There’ll be new friendships and new leadership responsibilities with supportive teachers and professional staff to guide you through your University applications as you look forward to new challenges.

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Exciting & Rewarding

Change for the better

‘Although I felt nervous about starting at a new school, everyone was so welcoming that I felt part of the community in no time. I’ve been kept busy with my IB workload at the moment – studying Maths, English, Global Politics, and Economics at higher level – but nonetheless have also been able to further enrich my knowledge outside the classroom with all the extra-curriculars and opportunities the school has to offer. I am currently a debating Vice-Captain, member of the Diversity Committee, and a part of the netball team!’ 

Tiffany, Sixth Form Joiner

Academic Choice

One Sixth Form;
Two Pathways

A Level

All A Levels follow a linear model with all examinations at the end of the Upper Sixth. This allows students time for in-depth study and research into their own areas of interest for their Extended Project Qualification, and the opportunity to attend our programme of Sixth Form Enrichment lectures. Our A Level students choose four or five core academic subjects from more than 20 options and they continue with three or four through to the end of the Upper Sixth.

Extended Project Qualification and Extended Essay


The IB Diploma Programme is an international qualification offered at Godolphin since 2004. Students study three Higher Level subjects and three Standard Level subjects, achieving both depth and breadth in their learning. Other core elements are the Extended Essay, CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) and ToK (Theory of Knowledge). These elements enhance student learning and develop critical and reflective thinking, research skills, and an appreciation of global issues.

A Level Video

IB Video

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Realise your dreams and talents

At Sixth Form the opportunities for students to get involved in a whole range of exciting activities really opens up. If drama is your passion then you’ll be performing in one of the school productions or if you’re a musician, you’ll be joining our choirs and orchestras and going on tour to Italy or Hamburg. There’s fabulous art and the opportunity to compete in sport at the very top level – or to just take part – and every club and society that you could imagine plus community projects and volunteering.



Tutor Groups

Your tutor group is your pastoral home in school; there are around 12-14 students in each group, and your tutor – who will support you through both of your years in the Sixth Form – will guide and encourage throughout. Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth groups frequently collaborate on shared discussions and activities. As a Lower Sixth student you gain from the experience of the older students and, in your final year, sharing your experiences is empowering; you realise just how far you have come


Individual Support

Individual support is always on hand when you need it: academic support from your subject teachers to firm up your knowledge or to recommend further reading or investigation; pastoral support from tutors and the Sixth Form team; and expert, tailored guidance and advice from the Higher Education and Careers teams covering everything from work experience placements to university applications and beyond.



Leadership opportunities abound for our Sixth Formers, and it doesn’t make any difference if you joined the school aged 11 or 16; if you’re enthusiastic and looking to take on responsibility, at Godolphin you’re pushing at an open door! Of course, you might join the hustings for the Head Girls’ Team or put yourself forward as a House or Sports Captain or pitch to be an UVI Laureate or Art Scholar. Or you can lead our Social Impact, Sustainability or Diversity Committees, or become a Debating, Music or Theatre Captain.



Our Sixth Formers set up and run many of the clubs and societies including organising external speakers for the Sustainable Development Lecture Series and PPE Forum, or they become Arkwright Engineering Scholars or Ogden Trust Physics Ambassadors. Sixth Formers coach our lower school debating and sports teams and run drama rehearsals and language drop-ins; they act as mentors and role models in many aspects of school life.


Discover beyond the classroom

Debate, dialogue and discussion transform learning in the classroom but beyond the desk and white board, teachers are keen to share their academic specialisms and passions through a broad range of enrichment activities. Galleries, museums, theatre and concert halls are on our doorstep whilst Gold Duke of Edinburgh and a plethora of UK and overseas trips beckon for those who relish the challenge. Visiting speakers and work experience – both in the UK and Europe – will further develop your experience and skills.



Autumn Lecture Series

This enrichment programme takes place in the Autumn Term when teachers speak on their academic passions and individual researches. Recent talks have included: Current Culture Wars (freedom of speech); Section 28: What was it and how did it affect LGBT+ people; Gladstone and Disraeli: Imagination and Identity; The Power of the Pack; Crazy for Cartography: How Maps Shape Our World; Identity, Authenticity and the Unconscious; “Dreaming of Outer-Space” : Should billionaires worry about earth before reaching for the stars?; Survival in Extreme Environments; Fifteen Minutes of Fame: Britain’s First Human.


Sixth Form Café

At the weekly Sixth Form Café students get together to discuss various aspects of Sixth Form life and to make the most of additional enrichment opportunities. For example: students with similar Higher Education goals such as US applicants, Oxbridge applicants or Medical, Dentistry and Veterinary applicants, meet with expert members of staff; students with roles in specific leadership teams such as the Form Assistants or School Ambassadors share experiences and plan for upcoming events and activities; like-minded students enjoy further academic enrichment with cafés such as the Languages Week café or Book Exchange Café; and Wellbeing sessions encourage students to try activities with a wellbeing focus, ranging from mindfulness to yoga and much more.

Higher Ed

Higher Education

Support & Guidance

Our goal is to provide you with the best support and advice to help you choose the right University and Higher Education path to realise your dreams and ambitions. We have a highly experienced and knowledgeable team, the student Godolphin and Latymer Careers Platform and a well-stocked careers library. Our team have established and longstanding relationships with universities, both in the UK and overseas.


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Beyond Godolphin

Old Dolphins

Once a Dolphin, always a Dolphin. Although you will leave the Sixth Form to embark on an exciting new stage of your life, you will still be part of the Godolphin family. Old Dolphins are an important part of our community and we hope that you will stay in touch and come along to our alumnae events.