
News Year 8 Visit Sunny Salamanca 05.07.2019

Last Friday, girls from Year 8 set off on a four day trip to sunny Salamanca in western Spain to practise their Spanish and take in the historical sights that the city had to offer. 

After arriving at Madrid airport, the girls were whisked off to Segovia, just northwest of Madrid. Here they visited the incredible ancient Roman aqueduct with its 167 arches and took in the Alcázar de Segovia, a restored 12th century castle. In Salamanca, the girls spent the morning in Spanish lessons and the afternoon visiting the historic centre, with its old university and cathedrals. The cathedral (and the copious amounts of ice cream consumed in the main square!) was particularly well received as it offered some welcome respite to the intense Spanish sun. The girls had the opportunity to experience life on a ‘finca’ (ranch) in the countryside, where they toured the farm in a trailer, got up close and personal with some bulls whilst learning about the history of bullfighting, swam in the pool, fed a calf some leche and sat down together to eat a giant dish of paella.

Despite the heat, the girls were full of energy and really immersed themselves in the city (and all the culinary delights that were on offer) to make it a thoroughly enjoyable trip.