
News Year 8 Classics students visit Fishbourne Roman Palace 23.05.2024

On Wednesday, the Classics department had the pleasure of taking Year 8 students to Fishbourne Roman Palace. This excursion complemented their Latin studies this year, which included learning about the palace and its most famous resident, King Cogidubnus.

During the visit, students took part in a Roman artefact handling workshop. They had the opportunity to hold and examine various pieces of pottery, bone, and masonry, and tried to deduce the uses of these items and what they revealed about the Britons and Romans who lived in the area. The girls got a lot out of the sessions. The archaeologists leading them noted their great engagement and excellent inferences. Some students then had the chance to model Roman clothing!

Students also explored the extensive floor mosaics in the remains of the palace’s north wing – from the Cupid on a Dolphin to the mysterious Medusa mosaic. We also explored the palace gardens, which are planted according to the original Roman design. All in all, it was a highly enjoyable and educational day.