
News Year 8 Classicists visit Fishbourne Roman Palace 29.04.2022

After a three-year hiatus, the Classics department were delighted to take Year 8 to Fishbourne Roman Palace which they have been studying in their Latin lessons, along with its most famous inhabitant, King Cogidubnus (or Togidubnus, as the knowledgeable staff at Fishbourne think is more likely).

They took part in a very engaging Roman artefact handling session where they were able to hold and examine various pieces of pottery, bone and masonry and to try to deduce what they were and what that told us about the Britons and Romans who lived there. They studied the elaborate mosaics of the remains of the floor north wing of the palace as well as the museum cases containing further artefacts found at the site.

Although a little on the cloudy side, the weather held out so that students could spend some time in the palace gardens which are planted according to the original Roman design.