
News Year 7 Visit the Wetlands Centre 14.06.2019

The Wetlands certainly lived up to their name as Year 7 biologists braved the elements to study wildlife in Barnes’ urban oasis.

The nature reserve is home to over 180 species, including kingfishers, sand martins, bitterns and yellow wagtails. The girls spent time reflecting on the role of the Centre in conservation and observing a range of bird species to inform biological drawings. Students are encouraged to develop these skills further by putting their work forward for the Nancy Rothwell Award supported by the Royal Society of Biology and the Royal Veterinary College. The girls also had the opportunity to experience pond dipping which they used to evaluate water quality based on the type and abundance of species identified in their samples. 

Although the weather threatened to spoil the day, the girls were seemingly unfazed by the elements and thoroughly enjoyed studying the wildlife that the Centre had to offer.