
News Winter Jam 2023 16.11.2023

On Monday the Music department hosted its Winter Jam which showcased some of the best bands, duos and solo performers that Godolphin has to offer. Now into its third year, we had a record number of performers taking part, and still there were those who missed out on a spot. It has now become a necessity to hold auditions in the weeks leading up to an event! 

This year’s Winter Jam featured a mix of regulars and first timers, all of whom more than rose to the occasion. No mean feat, when one considers that the audience must have been 200 plus! It was fantastic to see so many parents, teachers and friends come out to support the students.

Among the varied acts, it was great to see the continuation of SLBS, now fronted by Amelie Homes and with Sasha Gloukhovski joining on Bass (at less than a week’s notice – very impressive!). The majority of performances were from senior students, and they definitely proved a huge inspiration for Year 7 Choir, who closed the event with Harry Styles’ ‘Matilda’. It was great to be able to include Year 8 student, Lottie Ingram’s original song ‘Deathly’, which had been worked on and arranged during the Wednesday lunchtime ‘Band and Songwriting’ club. We now have an established ‘house’ band, so expect to hear more originals and covers with band backing at the Spring Jam! 

Big thanks to Mr Spicer for his help with the sound and lighting on the day, and also to our guitar teacher Mr Stell. His support and encouragement of the girls really helps contribute to their success.