
News Top 20 All-Girls School for Cricket 25.11.2021

We are delighted that, for the second year running, Godolphin and Latymer has been featured as one of the UK’s top 20 all-girls schools for cricket in The Cricketer’s Schools Guide 2022. The guide features the top 100 senior, the top 50 prep/junior and – for the last two years – the top 20 all-girls schools. All entries were judged against an extensive set of criteria, which included a compelling commitment to cricket in the curriculum, facilities, fixture programmes and coaching. Also taken into account was how the schools kept the game alive during the pandemic, and how they look to ensure cricket remains a central part of school life.

The Cricketer gathered entries and compiled the leading lists, working alongside former England star Lydia Greenway and her coaching initiative Cricket For Girls to select the top 20 all-girls schools.

The Cricketer magazine editor Huw Turbervill said: ‘It has been incredibly heartening to see schools cricket making such a comeback after a very different 2020. Of course, not all schools’ programmes have been the same due to varying restrictions, facilities, and many other understandable reasons but what has been consistent across the spectrum is that the dedication to the game in schools has, not only remained unaffected, but increased.’

Congratulations to our PE department and to all of the brilliant coaches and, of course, to the girls who put in so much time and dedication to practise and improve their skills. We look forward to seeing them in action in major competitions in the months and years to come.