
News Talk from Old Dolphins Studying at the University of St Andrews 23.01.2020

On Thursday afternoon the Lower Sixth were visited by Old Dolphins Tara and Annabelle (Class of ’19 and Class of ’18 respectively) who provided some fascinating insight into life at the University of St Andrews – one of the UK’s oldest academic institutions.

Tara, fresh from completing her first semester studying Medicine, spoke about the special intimate feel of the St Andrews campus nestled on the east coast of Scotland and steeped in academic heritage. Annabelle, who is studying International Relations as well as Anthropology and Art History, spoke extensively about how St Andrews broadens horizons through the flexible degree structure available to students who might be unsure about what subjects they wish to study. Both Tara and Annabelle compared the friendly atmosphere and the strong sense of community to life at Godolphin, with both commenting on the positive relationships formed with their lecturers and their academic families – third year students offering advice to first years – as being incredibly beneficial.

A question and answer session followed the talk, with questions ranging from the level of practical-based learning done in the first year of Medicine, to advice on writing your personal statement, to the all important question of Scottish weather.

We are incredibly grateful to our Old Dolphins who return to the school and offer invaluable advice to students who are beginning the university application process.