
News Spring Term Sports Roundup 26.03.2020

Despite our Spring Term sporting activities being curtailed, there have still been a huge number of successes to celebrate in both team and individual performances.

The U16 netball team reached the Sister in Sport national final, our U19s made it through to the quarter finals and the U14s made it to the fifth round. Although the finals have since been postponed, reaching the national final is a  phenomenal achievement and we hope the girls will be able to play at some point later in the year.

In hockey, the U15 team made it through to the semi-final of the Independent Schools’ Hockey Cup and had a very tight 3rd/4th playoff, narrowly losing 4-5; an incredible achievement to be named the fourth best team in the country. Congratulations are also in order for our U19s quarter finalists and the U13s who reached the semi finals of the plate competition.

In cricket, the U15 and U13 teams have made it through to the regional finals having won all the matches in both the London Schools’ round and then county finals. The U12 also picked up silver medals at the London Schools’ competition.

We had our best ever result at the British Schools’ Fencing championships this term with the U15 team winning bronze and the U13 A and B teams winning gold and bronze respectively.

In Cross Country, Izzy has been selected for the London team which will hopefully go the ESAA national competition later in the year and Year 8 student Millie won the Hammersmith and Fulham Cross Country. There were further fantastic individual performances this term with Sixth Form student Emily winning her first England hockey U18 cap and Year 8 student Magnolia winning bronze at Espoo Fencing Challenge whilst representing England at U14 level.