
News Sports Roundup 15.05.2020

Although lockdown threatened to curtail our usual extensive programme of sport at Godolphin, girls have shown over the past couple of months that their enthusiasm for exercise and their competitive edge has not been dulled.

Lessons have been geared towards the summer sporting programme – with instructional videos in coordination and footwork in tennis and cricket – to prepare the girls for the eventual return to school. Our sports department have also been providing our hockey, netball, cricket and rowing squads with strength and conditioning training and technical drills to keep them on their toes for the seasons ahead.

Students have been regular visitors to the dedicated micro-site for the Godolphin Sports department, where their teachers and coaches have been regularly updating the site’s content with plenty of ways to keep them fit and healthy. Instructional videos have provided girls with opportunities to learn some new skills – with everything from juggling to Tai Chi, football ‘keepie uppies’ to learning to do the splits – and have benefited from the podcasts, documentaries and articles that focus on the mental health aspect of sport and have been encouraged to ‘kick back and relax’ with breathing exercises, meditation and yoga. Extra-curricular sport is also still on offer, with netball, Zumba and yoga available to everyone, and our House events have seen students running, walking and cycling as a House to reach their collective 85-mile goal.

It has been fantastic to see our girls committed to staying both physically and mentally fit and healthy during difficult circumstances and we look forward to seeing them returning to the field and competing for the school once more.