
News Social Impact Committee lead Musical Theatre Workshop with Flora Gardens Primary School 02.05.2024

Last Friday, Year 10 members of the Social Impact Committee showcased their creativity and leadership skills by devising a drama and musical theatre workshop with students from Flora Gardens Primary School. The event was designed to engage and inspire students in Year 5 and Year 6 through the art of improvisation in performance.

Year 10 leaders guided small groups of students in learning the lyrics and crafting expressive actions for an interpretive dance set to ‘A Million Dreams’ from the musical The Greatest Showman. Accompanied by Mr Langworthy on the piano, the workshop provided a platform for students to explore their talents and connect with the music. The small groups were then pieced together into larger groups to perform their interpretation of the song.

The Year 10 leaders demonstrated exceptional teamwork and patience as they worked with their younger peers, and the students from Flora Gardens seemed to really enjoy this collaborative workshop. The event highlighted the positive impact of the school’s Social Impact Committee in fostering connections with our local community, and full credit must go to our Year 10 students for devising and organising such a successful event.