Higher Education & CareersPlanning your future

Our Higher Education and Careers programme starts in Year 7 as the girls begin to think about the subject areas that most interest them and discover the wide range of careers that are available to them. In Year 9 we provide tailored support for girls who are thinking about their GCSE options to ensure that these align with any career aspirations. This is even more important in Year 11 as students consider their options for A Level and IB study and they have one- to-one meetings and bespoke advice. At the end of Year 11 – supported by the careers team – all students embark on a work experience placement.

Preparing for University

University Preparation

University Applications

Overseas Universities

Our careers programme is part of the umbrella G&L Futures and events include:

Careers Evening

The Careers Evening is a thought-provoking evening of speakers, many of whom are Old Dolphins returning to Godolphin and Latymer to share their knowledge and experience. A range of careers are covered including traditional jobs as well as areas of future growth such as digital technology and entrepreneurship. In the past these have included: Advertising and Media; Construction and Property; Venture Capital; Fashion; International Development; Software Design; Social Enterprise; Civil Service; Renewable Energies; Biomedical Research; Consultant Obstetrician; Political Think Tank.


The Higher Education Undiscovered Subjects Event is for Year 10-12 students, including students from our partner secondary schools and is run every two years. Universities deliver lectures on subjects not traditionally taught in schools including vocational courses such as law, pharmacy, design engineering, criminology, computer science, architecture etc. Details of our 2023 programme can be found here.


The Careers department runs a series of lunchtime talks from alumnae and parents from a range of careers including music, engineering, management consultancy and the Foreign Office.

EVening of Academic conversation

The evening event launched June 2022 for Year 12 students, also invites pupils from our partner schools to join us for an evening of insightful conversation and dinner with leading academics.