
News Show Racism the Red Card 04.11.2022

On Wednesday our Year 7 students attended anti-racism workshops by Show Racism the Red Card, an educational charity established in part thanks to a donation by the then Newcastle United goalkeeper, Shaka Hislop. Shaka experienced racism first-hand and wanted to use his platform to make a difference. 

The interactive workshop facilitated brilliant discussions about the causes and consequences of racism, and explored how we can recognise and challenge racism and discrimination in modern society. The girls learnt about the nature of hate crimes, and furthered their pre-existing knowledge on protected characteristics, which they’ve been studying this term in PSHE. They also learnt about forms of discrimination and how it differs to hate crimes. Finally, the girls learnt how to be an active citizen and to safely challenge racism and other forms of discrimination.

Our students left the sessions with an enhanced understanding of what racism is and its impact, as well as an increased awareness and ability to critically think about how we can challenge stereotypes. We look forward to our session with Year 8 in a couple of weeks and potentially other year groups in the future.