
News MFL Trip to Paris 08.11.2019

Over the half term, a group of Year 11 French students visited Paris to enhance their knowledge of the language and culture. Throughout the trip, the girls had the opportunity to visit famous landmarks including The Eiffel Tower and The Norte-Dame; as well as being given large amounts of free time to enjoy the stunning capital and, of course, to go shopping in Paris.

Year 11 student, Dilia, had this to say on her stay:

‘My French host family was wonderful. They immersed us completely in Parisian culture and family life, speaking solely in French and encouraging as much conversation as possible – an experience that we all found enriching and important in the improvement of our French speaking abilities. We collaborated with a language school in Paris- France Language Victor Hugo- where we were able to learn a lot, with a particular focus placed upon aural skills.

All our thanks must go to the teachers involved in the trip, Miss Afifi, Ms Tricass and Mr Carroll, who made it an extremely enjoyable and successful experience. I thoroughly recommend this trip to any Year 11 French student.’