
News Mathematics Competitions Results 02.11.2023

Over half-term we received results from two mathematics competitions taken before the break.

The UK Mathematical Olympiad for Girls (MOG) is a challenging proposition with students having two and a half hours to solve five problems. At the end of September, a record 21 bold Sixth Form mathematicians started early before school to partake in this competition and the results were excellent. Girls received twelve Merits and seven Distinctions – the latter for Dana, Youan, Chloe and Elspeth (Lower Sixth) and Amelie, Jessica and Athena (Upper Sixth). The rationale of the UK Mathematical Olympiad for Girls is to encourage more girls to take part in Mathematical Olympiads and STEM subjects generally.

But at Godolphin we certainly don’t shy away from mathematics competitions that are open to everyone! In early October, nearly 100 Sixth Formers took the UKMT Senior Mathematics Challenge (SMC). Of these, 30 received a Bronze award, eighteen received a Silver and nineteen girls received a Gold award. This was well over double last year’s tally. Imogen (Upper Sixth) was best in school and progresses through to the British Mathematical Olympiad, Round 1. The following progressed through to the Senior Kangaroo round; Victoria, Rania, Fia, Dana, Francesca, Allegra, Ava, Youan, Chloe and Jingwen (Lower Sixth) and Amelie, Jessica, Oliwia, Estelle, Athena, Francesca, Nina and Marianna (Upper Sixth). Well done to all.