
News Lower School Art Exhibition: A Printmaking Spectacular 01.03.2024

This year’s Lower School Exhibition was a printmaking spectacular. It was a joyous event showcasing a superlative collection of prints, which demonstrated not only the acquisition of a strong command of skill but also the imaginative, inventive interpretation of stimuli.

A huge breadth of specialist techniques was seen, such as reduction lino-printing, collagraph, and embossing, for example. It was wonderful to welcome so many parents, students, and guests and very exciting to see our Art and Design Scholars racing across the Bishop Centre, adding red dots onto the works to denote a donation in exchange for the second edition print.

Huge congratulations to our brilliant Lower School artists whose incredible works raised £2,387.50 for Art House Unlimited (which is a charity representing a collective of artists with complex neuro-diverse and physical support needs) and The Art Room (which is a project using art to support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing).