
News House Lockdown Competitions 07.05.2020

Two weeks back from the Easter holidays and our programme of House events has really taken off! Any fears that the girls would be less keen to get involved in House activities now we’re operating in our new ‘virtual’ world, have proved completely unfounded; the girls are as keen and competitive as ever!  We have already had three House events starting with the Lego Challenge where pupils and staff had to showcase their creative skills and recreate famous landmarks in Lego. Those who didn’t have sets of Lego gathering dust at the bottom of a cupboard showed amazing ingenuity by using tins, crockery, minecraft and all sorts of other household objects to take part in the challenge. Well done to Sheppard for submitting the most creations.

Lower School students proved worthy Bletchley Park code-breakers when they were set the task of cracking the House code using a series of word and number puzzles. The girls were split up into Houses within their forms and had to use all of their problem-solving powers to come up with the correct answers.  Well done in particular to Maathai who had wins across all three year groups.

The hype-train for the live House meetings arrived in living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, gardens, studies, hallways and patios across the country at 10.50 today. It was amazing to see so many students and staff online all at once, with Naidu, Quinn Brown and Maathai all managing a whopping 68 girls and staff online ready to jump for their house. The final number of Godolphin and Latymer star jumps have yet to have a final count but at the moment we are over 42,000!

There will be many more opportunities for girls and staff to get involved in House activities in the coming weeks including a competition to create a video with other house members on the theme of House colours. We’re anticipating comedy sketches, lip-syncing, dancing and singing in what will be a legitimate excuse to scroll through TikTok for inspiration!

House competitions and activities are a fantastic way to maintain the sense of team spirit and belonging during these ‘lockdown’ times as well as proving that Godolphin girls (and staff) are as competitive as ever!