
News House and Inter-School Debating 04.06.2020

Shortly before Half Term, our two remaining House competitions were completed online. In the Lower School Final, Frida Kilmer and Antara Martins carried off the trophy for Maathai by successfully proposing the motion ‘This house would make it compulsory for all students to do an hour of sport every day’ against Ella Bareham and Imogen Walkden for Naidu.  In the Middle School, Ruby Alexander and Daisy Studd for Sheppard were crowned champions, opposing the motion ‘This house would make it compulsory for all students to study science in the Sixth Form’, proposed by Cecilia Colao and Yun Losson for Quinn Brown.

There are regular, lively debates against other schools, attracting many spectators. Year 7 and 8 debaters have a regular fixture every Monday after school against Latymer Upper, while senior debaters have taken on Benenden, Putney High and South Hampstead High. Mr Bell, the Head of Debating, is laying plans for a multi-school online debating competition later this term.