
News Henley Women’s Regatta 23.06.2022

On Friday and Saturday last week, three Godolphin crews were in action racing at Henley Women’s Regatta.

2022 saw the highest ever number of entries for the event, which shows that women’s rowing is in very strong health indeed. Our J16 and J18 fours had competitive rows in the time trial qualifiers and were unlucky not to progress. However, our J18 eight had a storming row in the time trial, and progressed into the first round of eight crews. Facing off against Wimbledon High School, we pushed them all the way to the line, and finished just ¾ of a length down. This outstanding performance has meant that they have pre-qualified for Henley Royal Regatta which starts on 28 June. This will be the first time we have rowed at HRR since 2017 when our J18 quad knocked out one of the favourites.

We wish our rowers in the 2022 event the very best of luck