
News Helping Local Children Bridge the Digital Divide 23.03.2021

Congratulations to Year 8 students Kyra, Olivia, Alex, Alice and Harper who have collected over 100 pieces of essential IT and computer equipment for local children who were missing out on online schooling and couldn’t access remote learning. They linked up with West London community group, Ready Tech Go, who wipe the equipment, refurbish it and distribute it to wherever it is needed the most.

As one of the pupils, Alice, explains, ‘While we were able to carry on with our learning at home during lockdown it was clear that this wasn’t the same for all children as many didn’t have access to computers and iPads. We asked the Godolphin and wider local community to donate any spare tech equipment and they didn’t disappoint. People brought it to the school gate or we organised to pick it up from their doorsteps and then took it to Ready Tech Go.’ As part of their drive for donations, the girls also approached fifty local businesses and their appeal helped secure a total of £5,200 in cash donations.

Ready Tech Go congratulated the girls tweeting, ‘They’ve done such an amazing job, we and our beneficiaries are so grateful!’ Ready Tech Go will continue its work supporting children and young people in West London and has recently formed a partnership with UNITED in Hammersmith and Fulham. This new partnership will raise more much-needed funds to support the work of Ready Tech Go by making sure children and young people can get online and stay connected to their schools and colleges.

Many thanks to all of the Godolphin families who donated equipment to this fantastic initiative.