
News Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank Assembly 30.01.2020

On Thursday we welcomed Sian Gates, Assistant Operations Manager at Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank to the school to speak to students on the work done to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local community.

Sian began by thanking students for the items that are regularly donated as part of the food drives that are organised by the school’s Raising and Giving team. She explained how the people most at risk of falling into food poverty are full-time carers who care for a sick child or relative, people with mental or physical health issues who are unable to work, and those with zero hour contracts or have recently become unemployed. These factors, coupled with the high cost of renting in the borough has left families to seek help from the Foodbank, with a staggering statistic of roughly 12,000 people in the last year having to seek assistance.

Sian implored students to keep contributing through donations, fundraising to purchase extra food, and offering up their time to help sorting items at the centre. Many students approached Sian at the end of the assembly to pick up leaflets and find out more information on how they could contribute further.