
News Greek and Roman Mythology with Athina Monk-Mitropoulos 14.10.2021

On Tuesday, Year 9 students enjoyed a stimulating talk by Athina Monk-Mitropoulos on Greek and Roman mythology.

The talk covered the most compelling aspects of mythology – from heroes to gods and monsters – and explored modern retellings of myths from recent works such as Pat Barker’s The Silence of the Girls to Athina’s own book Once Upon a Myth. The talk was especially appropriate as all Year 9 students study mythology – whether in Latin or translation. The linguists have recently had an introduction to the GCSE text Echo and Narcissus, while the Civilisation students have read powerful myths such as the destruction of Actaeon.

The session ended with a challenge to the girls to rewrite an ancient myth, with Athina kindly agreeing to judge the results. We look forward to hearing her decision after half-term.