
News Godolphin’s Unsung Heroes 10.02.2022

Over the last few weeks each of the Year 8 form classes were split into six groups to take part in a competition to produce videos to learn about and celebrate the work of six departments at the school.

This has been a great way to learn about the key stakeholders who are essential to the smooth running of Godolphin and Latymer: the administration team; the catering team; the cleaning team; the ICT team, the security team; and the school keepers. The shortlisted videos were shown in Wednesday’s Year 8 assembly and the winning video is by Aitana, Carolina, Sophia, Theodora and Ines from form 8LT focusing on the school catering.

Well done to the Year 8 students and our thanks to all of the staff in the Godolphin and Latymer community who work so hard behind the scenes!