
News Godolphin Mathematicians in National Mathematics Competitions 11.11.2022

Godolphin mathematicians have been busy taking part in two national mathematics competitions since the start of the new school year.

The UK Mathematical Olympiad for Girls (MOG) is a challenging proposition with students having two and a half hours to solve five problems. At the end of September, fourteen bold Sixth Form mathematicians started early before school to partake in this competition and the results were excellent. Girls received four Merits and eight Distinctions – the latter going to Lexy, Emmie, Jessica, Athena (all Lower Sixth) and Lulu, Lillian, Annika and Ingrid (all Upper Sixth).

Then in early October, nearly 100 Sixth Formers took the UKMT Senior Mathematics Challenge (SMC). Of these, 29 received a Bronze award and 39 received a Silver. Seven girls received a Gold award and also progressed through the follow-on Senior Kangaroo round; they are Amelie, Fleur, Athena, Immy, (Lower Sixth) and Lulu, Lillian and Indigo (Upper Sixth).