
News German Exchange 04.10.2019

Last Friday we welcomed students from our partner school in Hamburg for our annual German Exchange. Year 10 student Nadya has the lowdown on their stay in London:

Whilst waiting in the airport, my friends and I avidly discussed the imminent arrival of our exchange partners from Hamburg. They walked through the gate of Terminal 5 to be met by a flurry of tentative hugs and nervous smiles. While we were all unsure as to what we would find at first, we would come to bond in the next ten days over our love of ice cream cake, Grey’s Anatomy and salt and vinegar crisps, forming a friendship of laughter and struggling with the tube ticket barriers. They say that the best way to learn a language is by immersing yourself in the rich culture and heritage of the country, but I think that traipsing around Westfield’s with a group of your exchange’s friends and a shopping bag full of chocolate bars is even better! I think I can vouch for everyone when I say that my exchange partner and I have formed a close friendship and that we can’t wait to see each other again in April when I go to Hamburg (and try out my slightly shaky German on the German episodes of Grey’s)!
Nadya, Year 10 student