
News GCSE Results 2021 12.08.2021

We are delighted for our Year 11 pupils who have worked so hard to achieve well-deserved success in their GCSE examinations. They dealt with the challenges of the last 18 months with great maturity, remaining determined and focused on their learning despite the wider disruption.  We now look forward to them continuing their Godolphin journey in the Sixth Form, following either the IB or A Level pathway.

The Head, Dr Frances Ramsey, congratulated the students saying:

‘I am very proud of this remarkable year-group who have shown great strength of character, resilience and adaptability over the last two years and who, supported by their teachers, have fulfilled their promise to achieve excellent exam results.  I hope that they have been enjoying a well-earned rest over the summer.  I look forward to welcoming them into the Sixth Form in a few weeks’ time and to seeing them develop as role models for our younger pupils.’