
News Flora Gardens Sports Morning 24.05.2024

Earlier this week, Head Girl Chloe and her Lower Sixth peers Eva and Olivia organised a special morning of sport for Flora Gardens Primary School.

Around 70 children from Years 4-6 attended the event at Godolphin, where they participated in various sporting activities, including Just Dance and diamond cricket. The event was very successful, with both the students from Flora Gardens and our Year 9 and Lower Sixth helpers thoroughly enjoying themselves. In addition to the sports activities, the Lower Sixth organisers had also arranged a school-wide equipment drive to provide Flora Gardens with more resources for sports and athletics.

Head Girl Chloe said, ‘Our aim was to foster a love and excitement for sports in young children and give them the ability to participate in as many different sports activities as possible. This project was so important to all of us as we are involved with so many of the sports at Godolphin and know firsthand the physical, mental and social benefits of physical activity. We are so happy we were able to share our passion for sports with the students at Flora Gardens!‘