
News First LEGO League Robotics Engineering Competition 25.01.2024

Last Saturday, members of the LEGO Mindstorms Club travelled to the Institute of Engineering in Stevenage to compete in the First LEGO League Robotics Engineering Competition.

The LEGO Mindstorms Club, made up of students in Years 7 and 8, competed with other schools to design a robot capable of completing complex LEGO challenges. They also developed an immersive project to share their photography hobby with friends and family. They had a strong showing against some well-designed robots, and the judges commended our representatives for demonstrating the seven core values of the competition: Discovery, Innovation, Impact, Inclusion, Teamwork, and Fun. They were awarded one of the larger trophies during the closing ceremony. 

The competition allowed the students to develop their computational thinking skills (algorithmic thinking, pattern recognition, abstraction, and decomposition) and are already looking forward to competing in next year’s competition.