
News Debating with West London Free School 24.03.2023

Two big events happened for the debaters in Lower School in this last week. Firstly, the second Debate Mate workshop took place last Saturday, which was attended by nearly sixty Year 8s and 9s. Some of the Year 8s then put this training into practice when they met West London Free School for a debate on Tuesday after school.

The motions ranged from the impact of social media on mental health, the idea of staying in school until you passed your GCSEs in Maths and English (that was passed by the way!) and whether or not priority for citizenship should be given to highly skilled immigrants. Godolphin won two of these debates, but WLFS gave some fierce opposition and won the third room. They tackled these topics with maturity and intelligence and were lovely hosts to the visitors too. All the students were eager to have a rematch.