
News Composition Competition 26.06.2020

Congratulations to Chloe, Lauren and Josie for their entries in the Music department’s Composition Competition, where Godolphin musicians were tasked with writing and performing a short piece for a solo instrument.

There were some fantastic entries and the judges were faced with some tough decisions, but it was Chloe, Lauren and Josie who were the recipients of the House points and certificates. The judges provided feedback on the winning pieces which you can read below.

This was a lovely Jazz inspired miniature with an improvisatory feel. Your score was clearly notated and your use of varied time signatures helped to portray a sense of freedom/rubato in keeping with the style of the piece. Your use of Jazz harmony is very nice too! It sounds like an introit/introduction to the start of a set of pieces that would be very nice! Well done.

You can listen to Chloe’s piece by clicking here.

I really enjoyed the atmospheric opening of your piece and there were lots of contrasting ideas – a nice mixture of rubato, legato phrases and a few staccato/accented rhythms. If you wanted to, there are lots of nice ideas here you could develop into a longer piece or even a song if this were to be an introductory passage. Your score was well notated and clear so well done!

You can listen to Lauren’s piece by clicking here.

It was lovely to see that you had handwritten your score and had created a clear sense of structure within your piece. Your ideas are musical and you develop them well – particularly with your use of phrasing and dynamics. It would be nice to have a recording/performance of this piece at some point – perhaps you might like to play it for a Lunchtime Recital or at a school concert? Well done on writing another nice piece.

You can listen to Josie’s piece by clicking here.