
News Children’s Mental Health Week 07.02.2023

There was great excitement around the school this week as we welcomed our latest arrivals: Julien, Howard, Bali (x2), Dana, Joey and Zey. They are a little bit green around the edges because, of course, they are plants! The additional greenery around the school was all thanks to the student School Council who, in support of Children’s Mental Health Week, purchased plants for students to nurture and enjoy. There was even a special cactus for the staff presented by Isabella and Rose from the Head Girls Team at Wednesday’s staff briefing; we wonder what they will call it? Mental health and wellbeing are always a whole school priority, but for this special week we supported the charity Place2Be who chose the theme of Let’s Connect to encourage the principles of reaching out to others and showing kindness.

Along with our special plants our brilliant Facilities Team also set up a wellbeing corner in the main corridor for pupils to have some reflective, contemplative space. There was a full programme of wellbeing activities including special assemblies and form-time sessions, a student vs staff basketball match, and talks from It Happens and Satveer Niijar. Our Sixth Form team produced a Feel Good News Zone so that the senior students could start their day with some positivity and for Wellbeing Wednesday Sixth Formers took part in activities that included poker, macrame, mindfulness, stretch class, five-a-side-football, a walk in the park, coffee and board games, and a musical quiz: Fiendish Intros.